HFHL mission is to combat obesity and related non-communicable diseases caused by unhealthy eating habits and lifestyles in GCC region, so as to contribute to a healthier next generation of its young population. HFHL will mobilise relevant stakeholders, organise events, and initiate, implement or assist in the implementation of awareness building programs, projects, campaigns, TV shows or otherwise with the support of its professionals, members and partners.
Our strategy is to focus on increasing the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables as weapon of choice. From a food security and sustainability perspective, HFHL seeks to facilitate the expansion of low water use local production of fruits and vegetables and further professionalisation of value chains to ensure safe food and less losses and waste.
Main general objectives are:
- mobilising the different relevant GCC stakeholders and bringing them in contact with HFHL, its professionals, members and partners;
- promoting members (commercial) interests in the targeted host countries;
- promoting the Dutch government long-term bilateral partnering approach towards GCC countries in developing and fostering healthier societies;
- promotion collaboration on different levels, between different institutes and between The Netherlands and GCC;
- educating GCC children on healthy food, healthy lifestyle and promoting healthy family eating habits; and
- connecting prevention and treatment related institutes in joint (golden triangle) programs.

Adopting healthy habits is not only good for our health, but also for our economy and employment.

If we want to change undesired GCC dietary and lifestyle habits, it is our responsibility to make available sufficient quantities of trustworthy and tasty healthy fruit and vegetables.
In its holistic approach, HFHL mobilises relevant stakeholders, organises events, and initiates, implements or assists in the implementation of awareness building programs, projects, campaigns, TV shows or otherwise with the support of its professionals, members and partners. Its focus is on promoting the consumption of fruit and vegetables and facilitating the sustainable local production and value chain efficiencies so as to meet the increased market demand.